What to plant in October

What to plant in October

10th Oct 2023

What to plant in October:

As October ushers in the vibrant colors of spring, it also brings with it a golden opportunity for garden enthusiasts to sow the seeds of a bountiful harvest. We are fully stocked with an array of fruiting trees, berries, small fruits, herbs, vegetable seeds, and seedlings, inviting you to embark on a journey of cultivating your own fresh and healthy produce at home. In this blog, we'll explore the exciting options available and guide you through the steps to make the most of this fertile season.

The October Planting Palette: A Feast for the Senses

Now is the time to plant beetroot, brassica, cucumber, lettuce, capsicum, chili, eggplant, spring onions, pumpkins, zucchini and sweet potato runners can be planted once the risk of frost has passed. Now is also the time to sow basil, carrot, peas, beans, parsnip, sweetcorn and potatoes. There is a world of flavors waiting to be unearthed.

Asian Greens:

The cool, crisp crunch of Asian greens brings an exotic twist to any dish. Whether you fancy the delicate leaves of bok choy or the fiery kick of mustard greens, October is the perfect time to sow these nutritious powerhouses. Their adaptability and rapid growth make them a reliable addition to any spring garden.


Broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower offer a wealth of health benefits, from high vitamin C content to cancer-fighting compounds. Planting before the warmer summer months will help ensure, less stress and a hearty harvest .


Tomato plants, with their lush foliage and plump, juicy fruits, are synonymous with the joys of gardening. Whether you have a sprawling garden or limited space, there's a tomato variety for you. Indulge in the vast array of flavors, from sweet cherry tomatoes to tangy heirlooms. Single pots offer versatility without overwhelming your garden space, making them an excellent choice for both beginners and seasoned gardeners.

Pumpkins and Squash:

While pumpkins and squash are often associated with autumn, planting them in October ensures a vibrant harvest come autumn . These hearty vegetables are not only versatile in the kitchen but also add a touch of rustic charm to your garden landscape.

Berries :

Harmony Garden Centre doesn't just stop at vegetables. It offers a treasure trove of berries and small fruits, from succulent strawberries to tangy raspberries. These promise years of delectable harvests.


Adding organic matter to your soil is paramount. It's the lifeblood that fosters beneficial bacteria, creating a thriving ecosystem for your vegetables. Mulching also plays a vital role. It's nature's shield, reducing moisture evaporation and keeping your vegetable garden lush and vibrant.

With October's arrival, the garden beckons you to partake in the art of cultivation. The choices are abundant, and the rewards are immeasurable. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just beginning to explore the wonders of growing your own food, this is a season of opportunity and growth. Embrace the colors, scents, and flavors of spring and let your garden flourish into a haven of fresh, healthy produce. Happy planting!

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At Harmony Garden Centre, we acknowledge and recognise that we operate on the traditional land of the palawa people. We pay our deepest respect to the Tasmanian Aboriginal Community and their elders past and present. We extend this respect to all First Nations people around this Country.